Golf Course View

Golfer of the Year


The GOY tournament is held during the school spring half-term holiday. Each member club enters a team of four juniors who play a medal round for team and individual prizes. The member club hosting the tournament is rotated through the TVJGL clubs, so that each club hosts the tournament once every ten years.

The 2025 competition will be hosted by The Springs

Future hosts are:

2025 The Springs
2026 Maidenhead
2027 Henley
2028 Goring & Streatley
2029 Calcot Park
2030 Sunningdale Heath
2031 Burford
2032 Newbury
2033 Reading
2034 Castle Royle
2035 Bearwood Lakes
3036 East Berks


  Scratch Competition Handicap Competition
Winner Golfer of the Year Trophy
£60 Voucher
Best Nett Trophy
£60 Voucher
Runner Up £40 Voucher £40 Voucher
Third Place £30 Voucher £30 Voucher
Team Competition
Winner Best three Nett scores
Team Shield plus individual prize to all 4 team members

Also prizes for longest drive, nearest the pin and neatest card.

The 2024 competition was hosted by East Berkshire on 30th May 2024. Prize winners were:.

Scratch (Stableford) Alex Stronach (Reading) 33
Scratch Runner-up   Matthew Gough (The Springs) - 33
Scratch 3rd   Alfie Linehan (Reading) - 32
Handicap (Stableford) Georgia Mayers (Reading) - 41
Handicap Runner-up   Oliver Philpott (East Berks) - 39
Handicap 3rd   Olly Brown (Calcot Park) - 39
Team (Best 3) Reading - 120
Nearest Pin (5th) Chloe Walkington (Castle Royle)
Nearest Pin (16th)   Kaylan Gonzalez (East Berks)
Longest Drive (15th) Kaylan Gonzalez (East Berks)
Neatest Card Ben Murphy (East Berks)

Final team scores were:

Reading 120
The Springs 112
East Berks 111
Bearwood Lakes 109
Calcot Park 101
Henley 99
Castle Royle 92

Full results are here - Handicap Scores   Scratch Scores

The 2023 competition was hosted by Bearwood Lakes on 31st May 2023. Prize winners were:.

Scratch (Stableford) Alexander Levine-Estridge (Bearwood Lakes) 28
Scratch Runner-up   Lewis Thomas (Reading) - 27
Scratch 3rd   Oliver Ford (Newbury) - 25
Handicap (Stableford) Sam Whitaker (Castle Royle) - 39
Handicap Runner-up   Samuel Rhys Thomas (Reading) - 35
Handicap 3rd   Ben Murphy (East Berks) - 34
Team (Stableford) Bearwood Lakes - 104
Nearest Pin (9th) Harrison Swift (Castle Royle)
Nearest Pin (14th)   Lewis Thomas (Reading)
Longest Drive Oliver Ford (Newbury)
Neatest Card Samuel Rhys Thomas (Reading)

Final team scores were:

Bearwood Lakes 104
Castle Royle 97
The Springs 96
East Berks 93
Maidenhead 92
Newbury 84
Reading 77
Goring & Streatley 63

Full results are here - Handicap & Team Scores


The 2022 competition was hosted by Castle Royle. on 1st June 2022. Prize winners were:.

Scratch Drew Rolfe (Calcot Park) - 74
Scratch Runner-up   Charlie Hing (Castle Royle) - 76
Scratch 3rd   Chloe Walkington (Castle Royle) - 77
Handicap Amy Nemeth-Yule (Bearwood Lakes) - Nett 64
Handicap Runner-up   Archie Branwhite (Maidenhead) - Nett 65
Handicap 3rd   Oliver O'Dell (Goring & Streatley) - Nett 67
Team Maidenhead - 213
Nearest Pin (9th) Chloe Walkington (Castle Royle)
Nearest Pin (17th)   Brandon Skidmore (Bearwood Lakes)
Longest Drive Lyle McLintock (Castle Royle)
Neatest Card Chloe Walkington (Castle Royle)

Final team scores were:

Maidenhead 213
Reading 226
Castle Royle 227
Bearwood Lakes 228
Calcot Park 229
Goring & Streatley 230
Newbury 299

Full results are here - Handicap Scores, Gross Scores, Team Score

The 2021 competition was hosted by Reading G.C. on 2nd June 2021. Prize winners were:.

Scratch Mark Dickin (Bearwood Lakes) - 69
Scratch Runner-up   Henry Drake (Calcot Park) - 74
Scratch 3rd   Conor Jacob (Goring & Streatley) - 75
Handicap Sam Thomas (Reading) - Nett 68 (ocb)
Handicap Runner-up   Jack Chantry (Newbury & Crookham) - Nett 68
Handicap 3rd   Taona Kanyepi (Bearwood Lakes) - Nett 69 (ocb)
Team Bearwood Lakes - 209
Nearest Pin (2nd) Isabella Kent (Castle Royle)
Nearest Pin (17th)   Joseph Lawton (East Berkshire)
Longest Drive Harrison Swift (Castle Royle)
Neatest Card Luca Crooks (Castle Royle)

Final team scores were:

Bearwood Lakes 209
Reading 214
Calcot Park 223
Newbury & Crookham 223
East Berkshire 227
Castle Royle 227
Goring & Streatley 243

Full results are here - Handicap Scores, Gross Scores, Team Scores, Summary

The 2019 competition was hosted by Henley G.C. on 29th May 2019. Prize winners were:.

Scratch Archie Smith (Bearwood Lakes) - 75 (ocb)
Scratch Runner-up   Sammie Colvin (Castle Royle) - 75
Scratch 3rd   John Wellman (Castle Royle) - 76
Handicap Edward Devlin (Newbury & Crookham) - Nett 68
Handicap Runner-up   Lottie Cadle (Calcot Park) - Nett 71 (ocb)
Handicap 3rd   Victor Matthews (Goring & Streatley) - Nett 71
Team Castle Royle - 214
Nearest Pin Sammie Colvin (Castle Royle)
Longest Drive John Wellman (Castle Royle)
Neatest Card Jack Graham (Newbury & Crookham)

The 2018 competition was hosted by Calcot Park on 30-May-2018. Prize winners were:

Scratch Archie Smith (Bearwood Lakes) - 69 (ocb)
Scratch Runner-up   Melan Dhaubhadel (Calcot Park) - 69
Scratch 3rd   Harry West (Calcot Park) - 71
Handicap Nic Sullivan (Calcot Park) - Nett 64 (ocb)
Handicap Runner-up   Josh Chapman (Calcot Park) - Nett 64
Handicap 3rd   Max Watson (Bearwood Lakes) - Nett 65
Team Calcot Park - 195
Nearest Pin Lyle McLintock (Maidenhead)
Longest Drive Thomas Owen (Frilford Heath)
Neatest Card Tom Cole (Newbury & Crookham)

Final team scores were:

Calcot Park 195
Bearwood Lakes 204
Goring & Streatley 216
Frilford Heath 222
Henley 223
Newbury & Crookham 225
Maidenhead 228
Sonning 243

Full results are here - Handicap Scores

The 2017 competition was hosted by Frilford Heath on 29-Aug-2017. Prize winners were:

Scratch Mitchell Green (Frilford Heath) - 75
Scratch Runner-up   Josh Roche (Frilford Heath) - 78
Scratch 3rd   Alfie Forisky (Maidenhead) - 79
Handicap Jack Graham (Newbury) - Nett 69 (ocb)
Handicap Runner-up   Mark Dickin (Calcot Park) - Nett 69 (ocb)
Handicap 3rd   Jack Carter (Newbury) - Nett 71
Team Frilford Heath - 219
Nearest Pin Gregor Peberdy (Maidenhead)
Longest Drive Josh Roche (Frilford Heath)
Neatest Card Harry Grant (Frilford Heath)

Final team scores were:

Frilford Heath 219
Maidenhead 226
Newbury & Crookham 226
Calcot Park 231
Goring & Streatley Only 2 juniors completed rounds without NR

The 2016 competition was hosted by Newbury & Crookham Golf Club on 22-Aug-2016. Prize winners were:

Scratch Gregor McKenzie (Frilford Heath) - 71
Scratch Runner-up   Max Stradling (Goring & Streatley) - 75
Scratch 3rd   Melan Dhaubhadel (Calcot Park) - 76
Handicap Mitchell Green (Frilford Heath) - Nett 70
Handicap Runner-up   James Evans (Frilford Heath) - Nett 71
Handicap 3rd   Kieran Mansbridge (Frilford Heath) - Nett 72 (ocb)
Team Frilford Heath - 210
Nearest Pin Andrew Mead (Newbury & Crookham)
Longest Drive Tom Fleming (Newbury & Crookham)
Neatest Card Harry Powell (Calcot Park)

Final team scores for first 3 teams were:

Frilford Heath 210
Newbury & Crookham 225
Calcot Park 227

The 2015 competition was hosted by Sonning Golf Club on 10-Aug-2015. Prize winners were:

Scratch Aaron Siddell (Sonning) - 70
Scratch Runner-up   James Brady (Sonning) - 72
Scratch 3rd   Harrison Arnold (East Berks) - 75
Handicap Harry Bowness (Newbury) - Nett 67
Handicap Runner-up   Bradley Oliver (Maidenhead) - Nett 69
Handicap 3rd   Connor Ross (Calcot Park) - Nett 72 (ocb)
Team Sonning - 213
Nearest Pin Aaron Siddell (Sonning)
Longest Drive Angus Harris-White (Henley)
Neatest Card James Brady (Sonning)

Final team scores were:

Sonning 213
Newbury & Crookham 216
Maidenhead 220
Reading 221
Henley 222
East Berks 222
Goring & Streatley 226
Calcot Park 228

The 2014 competition was hosted by Maidenhead Golf Club on 28-Aug-2014. Prize winners were:

Scratch Lewis Bird (East Berks) - 70
Scratch Runner-up   Damien Hewitt (East Berks) - 73
Scratch 3rd   Aaron Siddell (Sonning) - 77
Handicap Lewis Bird (East Berks) - Nett 66
Handicap Runner-up   Bradley Oliver (East Berks - Nett 70 (ocb)
Handicap 3rd   Gregor Laing (Maidenhead) - Nett 70 (ocb)
Handicap 4th   Fraser Bown (Maidenhead) - Nett 70
Team East Berks - 207
Nearest Pin Ryan Walker (Reading)
Longest Drive Fraser McDonald (Sonning)
Neatest Card Darnell Scadding (Maidenhead)

Final 2014 team scores were:

East Berkshire 207
Maidenhead 216
Henley 224
Sonning 225
Goring & Streatley 227
Calcot Park 232
Newbury & Crookham 251
Reading Only 2 juniors entered